Get Involved

Whether it’s through volunteering, giving, or advocating you have the ability to support adult literacy and educational goals. We know that your time and efforts are incredibly valuable and essential to our helping of individuals throughout Summit County.

woman happily learning

Ways You Can Get Involved

One woman teaching another

Volunteer Your Time

Volunteers are vital to Project Learn for many reasons. Volunteers support teachers in the classroom, provide one-on-one tutoring to the students, or can help with administrative tasks around the main office.
Learn More
Family gathered

Sponsor a Project Learn Event

Project Learn hosts fundraising events throughout the calendar year and is always eager to create community partnerships. To learn more about sponsorship opportunities, please contact our Community Relations Specialist, Joy Butch, at
male teacher in front of class

Advocate for Project Learn

Please spread the word about our services to anyone that you believe may benefit from them. We can provide you with print-outs, .pdfs, or other informational resources and tools to help educate your employees, coworkers, or community members.