Workforce Development

Project Learn’s on-site, customized workplace literacy programs improve employee productivity, safety and teamwork. Our fee-based programs help employees reach their fullest potential and help businesses and organizations grow and contribute to the success of the region.
Man being tutored

We’ve helped hundreds of employees at local businesses—including Rubbermaid Food Services, Akron General Medical Center and the City of Akron—improve their reading, writing, math and English skills. Every program is customized to meet each business or organization’s literacy and language needs, with a focus on safety, quality and productivity.

Our professional trainers use proven teaching methods and materials to give employees of varying skill sets the literacy education and training they need.

Project Learn programs help reduce communication barriers in the workplace, increase employee retention and improve long-term time and money savings.

Employees participating in workforce development training better their communication, accuracy and problem-solving skills, as well as self-esteem. Completing Project Learn training can also lead to increased pay or responsibility.

Check out our success stories to hear from people in the community who benefited from our programs.

Get Started Today

Could your employees benefit from workforce development training? To schedule an appointment with our Workforce Development Coordinator, contact Paul Crosby or call 330-434-9461.